Archive for December, 2016

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted here in years, and that a lot of my old posts are gone. If you’ve just encountered this page–I’m Stephen Ira, and this used to be my blog about queer and trans politics. Now, I run a poetry journal called Vetch: A Magazine of Trans Poetry and Poetics. My focus has changed. I’ve also matured a lot as a thinker since I had this blog–when it was at its most popular, I was still a college student with a lot of naïveté. (I’m now a twenty-four-year-old with a lot of naïveté.)

But I’ve decided to keep the page up, so that I don’t forget about my heady days as a Sarah Lawrence girl–and because of a certain degree of pride. A lot of the fat has been trimmed. You’re looking at the best of what I did when I was a political blogger. Hope you enjoy it! I’d love it if you checked out Vetch. I’m also still active on Twitter at @supermattachine, where I talk about queer and trans politics regularly.
